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生活英語 - 誤解篇

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生活英語 - Shopping篇

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生活英語 - 姐妹情誼篇
Vicky:Michelle, have you seen the new jacket I bought yesterday?

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生活英語 - 台灣小吃篇

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A main ingredient in beer may help prevent prostate cancer and enlargement,according to a new study. But researchers say don't rush out to stock the refrigerator because the ingredient is present in such small amounts that a person would have to drink more than 17 beers to benefit.Oregon State University researchers say the compound xanthohumol, found in hops, inhibits a specific protein in the cells along the surface of the prostate gland. The protein acts like a signal switch that turns on a variety of animal and human cancers, including prostate cancer.

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Farmer Killed by falling cow
A Croatian farmer was killed when a cow he was about to milk fell and crushed him, local media reported.The unfortunate 61-year-old farmer went into the stable where his family keeps nine cows, as he had every morning for the past 20 years, the Vecernji List newspaper reported. "I think he slipped, grabbed the milking machine and knocked it over. That must have frightened the cow, which slipped and fell on top of him," his distraught daughter-in-law, who was in the stable with him, told the daily."It took me and the rest of the family almost three minutes to get the cow off him." She said the cow, named Lara, had been very meek and that even children could milk her without fear.

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Gimme another shot of this beer
A German brewer has concocted what he says is the world's strongest beer, a potent drink with an alcohol content of 25.4 percent that is served in a shot glass. “Everyone who has tried it is enthusiastic. It tastes like a quirky mixture of beer and sherry,” said Bavarian brewer Harald Schneider.Schneider, who lives in southern Germany where beer is a tradition, said his beer fermented for 12 weeks for an alcohol content twice that of Germany's other strongest beers. “People will only be able to drink two or three glasses, otherwise they'll drop like flies,” he said.

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Clever Whale Uses Fish to Catch Seagulls
An enterprising young killer whale at Marineland has figured out how to use fish as bait to catch seagulls - and shared his strategy with his fellow whales. First, the young whale spit regurgitated fish onto the surface of the water, then sank below the water and waited. If a hungry gull landed on the water, the whale would surge up to the surface, sometimes catching a free meal of his own. Noonan watched as the same whale set the same trap again and again. Within a few months, the whale's younger half brother adopted the practice. Eventually the behavior spread and now five Marineland whales supplement their diet with fresh fowl, the scientist said.

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Be a Great Team Player
A study at Stanford Business School examined the qualities that companies look for in promoting young managers toward senior executive positions, especially the position of Chief Executive Officer. The study concluded that there were two important qualities required for great success in leadership. The first is the ability to put together a team and function as a good team player. Since all work is ultimately done by teams, and the managers' output is the output of the team, the ability to select team members, set objectives, delegate responsibility and finally, get the job done, was central to success in management.

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